Thought Of The Day :

May Jesus Give you all kind of happiness and brights future. I wish this celebration continue with next year. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

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Bulletin Board Detail

Bulletin Board Detail

Title : Let's Sense It Week

Name of Activity: *Let's Sense It Week*

Grade Level: Class PS to Class II

Subject(s): EVS

Art(s) Integrated:

Flash cards of sense organs, stick puppets of sense organs,ppt, video etc .

*Topic- Five Sense Organs????????????????????????

Learning Outcome(s):

* To enable the children

???????? to identify the five sense organs in our body.

* Enhancement of Verbal and linguistic Skills.

Teacher: Class Teacher

Executed by: Children of

PS to II

Description :

In view of the paramount importance of the senses in perceiving the world we inhabit, the young scholars???????? from PS to II ventured into extensive arrangement of Sense Organs Activities in the virtual sessions.The ebullient learners were made to create their own sense station, explanation of senses was done with story narration,power packed ppt on sense organs was shown to the children, show and tell was conducted in the class on sense organs learning were done with great enthusiasm which helped kids to learn and foster the importance of Sense Organs in an interesting way.







Posted By : De Indian Public School | Date : 08 Oct 2021